Have you ever dreamt of coming to Italy and enjoy a free week in a five star hotel without worrying of anything? The Italian Cabinet of Commerce has decided to launch a competition to help the tourist sector.
So, if you have reached this page because you have read my Facebook post, scroll down and after the photo I’ll give you all the details to enter a competition and win an all-inclusive holiday in Italy.

April’s Fool!
Well, yes. April 1 is April’s fool also in Italy, but we call it Pesce d’Aprile, the fish of April, not the fool.

Children cut out paper fish and tape them on their family and friend’s back. So, watch your back if you are in Italy because you may end up walking around with people gazing at you with a malicious grin.
Origins of the tradition
It is not clear when the tradition of making pranks started, but it seems the Ancient Romans had a celebration called Hilaria on March 25 where every sort of prank was allowed. How it was then moved to April 1 is not clear as well as why it is “fool” in English and “fish” in Italian.
One of the saddest stories is connected with fishermen fishing fish (sorry, I cannot help but being stupid) in Spring. As it was difficult to fish fish in April (ooopsO did it again!) they were generally mocked by other fishemen when returning home without fish.
Famous Italian pranks: Star Wars is not fiction
In 2015, two Italian scientists of CERN, Tullio Basaglia and Valerio Rossetti, not only confirmed the existence of the force used by Jedi but also proved how to use it grab a cup of coffee. Luckily it is not true, or my laziness could reach unthinkable levels.

Tinder for food lovers
In 2016, Eataly lunched an app to find a date according to your food preferences. I do not know if it has been invented but it is definitely something to think about. Not easy though. I like people who love food like me but prefer milk chocolate to dark one, so that I do not have to share it with them. Any app developer out there? I have a business idea…
Put a plate on your horse
In 1961 the newspaper La Notte wrote about a new law in Milan that obliged owners of horses to put a plate on their animals in order to easily identify them (the horses not the owner) while circulating in the streets.
The prank I wished it was not a prank
Although it was not conceived in Italy, this is definitely my favorite. In 2005, Google announced the launch of Gulp, a drink to become smarter.

We still have to wait for that but in Italy we might have something that gives you the capability to become completely honest. It is called wine. And in fact an Italian proverb says: do not trust anyone, unless they are children or drunks. And I’m not joking!
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